The #ichoosejoy Project provides Joy Bags to bring comfort and light to families who have just received a life altering diagnosis. Learning that your child has a CHD is one of the scariest things a family can experience during a pregnancy. There is so much unknown and grief for the battle ahead. When we received Caden’s diagnosis we were scared, but we committed to choosing joy each and every day. It was a beautiful way to celebrate the life that was to come and is now exactly how we choose to honor him after his passing.
Each bag is unique and contains gifts of comfort for parents, their warrior on the way, and even siblings! We hope it brings a smile to you or someone you hold dear. Let it be a reminder of the beauty of this life, the love we are surrounded with, and our commitment to choose joy every single day.
To request one of our Joy Bags please click below and fill out the form.
**Bags can be requested for yourself or gifted to someone you know who is pregnant with a CHD warrior.**
At this time, we can only accept U.S. addresses please
These bags are made completely by the donations of our fantastic supporters. We are forever grateful for all of you! To see how you can contribute, click below.