Going through a valley season is messy. We feel confused and hurt and often want to just curl up into a ball and hide. It isn't the prettiest time in our life. As difficult as things have been though, there is one beautiful thing I am learning through this journey. Grace always wins.
I have had moments of anger, disappointment, grief, stress, worry, and defeat. I've questioned and I've cried. I've prayed and I've worshipped. I find myself having moments of complete and total peace followed by moments of complete and total wreckage, but what I find at the end of every moment is grace. God's grace is unfailing, all knowing, complete understanding. He waits through my moments of anger for that quiet moment to whisper His promises and remind me that I'm not alone and this is not my battle.
He washes over my worry and stress and reminds me that it is in peace that I will find the answers not chaos.
He brings comfort as my chest shakes through sobs and reminds me of the miracles He has already unfolded in my life.
When my human heart is shattered and my faith is shaky it is grace that builds me up to move mountains and smile through the tears.
I am just one big beautiful mess because His love courses through my veins. I don't have to have it figured out or put together all the time.
Life is hard but, if we just allow it, grace wins every single time.